Simple Solstice Ritual
Hannah Green
Image Hannah Green MFT
Happy Winter!
I am hoping each of us has a chance to replenish, renew and recharge during these long winter nights. The light is returning! After the winter solstice on the 21st of December we will be ushering in the longer days once more. For many of our ancestors, this has always been a time of deep reflection, gratitude and celebration. This solstice is very unique ~ an opportunity to things differently and perhaps find a new way of safely celebrating and remembering what is important to us.
I know it is tough to keep the faith during such big challenges and changes. I am reminding myself...
It is ok to grieve.
It is ok to not have all the answers.
I can choose to trust the process.
I am sending deep gratitude to each of you for being part of my life and my practice. We made it!
Image Upsplash
The following is a simple solstice ritual that I love:
Get a candle and a lighter.
Turn out all the lights and sit...either by yourself or with loved one(s).
Experience and greet the darkness.
Reflect on how you have grown and changed this year.
Ask yourself...what am I bringing out of the darkness and into the light? (This could mean...what am I bringing into awareness, compassion and acceptance and/or what gifts and abilities am I bringing into the forefront.)
Say "I am bringing _________ out of the darkness and into the light" as you light your candle.
If you are by yourself just reflect quietly on the candle's light.
If you are gathered with others, listen and watch the light grow as each candle is lit.